Frequently Asked Questions


1. Who needs life insurance?

Life Insurance can be used in many ways and provide peace of mind to anyone. The majority of clients we see fall into one of three categories:

  • Young Families – For people with young children or a home with a mortgage, we use term insurance to provide affordable protection in the event of a tragedy.
  • Final Expense – On the opposite end, we have clients looking to plan for their future and protect their families so they do not leave behind a financial burden on their heirs.
  • Investment Vehicle – In some cases, life insurance can be beneficial as an investment vehicle. We still get peace of mind from the policy’s death benefit, but these policies are designed to build cash value (think equity in your home) to be used later on. The concept here is becoming your bank.

2. Are there different types of life insurance?

Yes, many different life insurance types and products exist in the marketplace. The most popular are term insurance and whole life insurance.

Term Life insurance is for a predetermined set of times, such as 10, 20, or 30 years depending on how long you want the coverage (think of this as renting).

Whole Life insurance is permanent coverage (think owning a home here). These policies build cash value as time passes, which can be used if needed.

Another type of permanent coverage we use often is Indexed Universal Life (IUL) insurance policies. IUL policies tend to be more flexible in premium payments than whole life insurance policies and are linked to an index, such as the S&P 500. The cash value of an IUL policy is determined by the indexes used within the contract and can be credited interest; however, IULs cannot lose cash value due to a market downturn.

Another somewhat popular type of insurance is a Variable Life Insurance policy. These are similar to Indexed Universal Life, but these policies are linked directly to the market and, as such, are subject to the risk of loss in a down market.

3. How much life insurance do I need?

Everyone’s needs are unique, and no “one size fits all” life insurance plans exist. Our team has developed a unique process in which we discuss your situation, obstacles, and goals to assemble the best, most cost-efficient method for YOU.

Who can start a life insurance policy for me?
Be wary of the online “set your policy up in minutes” technique. We highly recommend a local professional who can help guide and assist in setup. Our team is always available to set up a no-hassle 15-minute strategy session to help navigate you through the process.

4. Do my life insurance beneficiaries need to have an insurable interest?

No, the policy owner, if not the same person as the insured, has to have an insurable interest, but the policy owner can name beneficiaries as they see fit. Most times, there needs to be some sort of relationship or a reason to name a beneficiary. Still, insurable interest only becomes a factor when the owner and the insured are not the same individual or entity.

5. Will I need a physical exam to start a life insurance policy?

We deal with carriers that offer a simple submission process in which 50% of our clients will not have to do a medical exam. Generally speaking, a physical exam will be needed. The amount of coverage determines the extent of the physical exam.

6. How does “term” life insurance work?

Think of term insurance like renting an apartment. As long as the premium (rent) is paid, your coverage (death benefit) will be there. There is no cash value build-up. Simply put, you’ll pay a set monthly premium for 10, 20, or 30 years; at the end of that timeframe, there is nothing to show. On the flip side, if a death occurs to the insured, the beneficiaries will receive a large death benefit. The monthly cost of a term policy tends to be very affordable.

7. What’s the significance of the cash value of my life insurance policy?

Clients often use life insurance for both the death benefit and the benefits of creating cash value. The cash value of a life insurance policy can be used as a loan, and the income is tax-free. Cash value life insurance can be an excellent tool, as many policies offer significant loan provisions. Often, if a loan is not paid back, the loan amount is simply deducted from the death benefit. Permanent life insurance policies that build up cash value can create options for clients down the road while also providing peace of mind with the death benefit feature.

8. What happens when my permanent life insurance policy is fully paid up?

A few things can happen here: 1) you can stop making premium payments and just let the policy remain in force at its current death benefit, or 2) you may be able to continue making payments where your policy/death benefit can grow.

9. What is home insurance, and what does it cover?

Home insurance is a policy that protects your home and its contents from various risks, such as fire, theft, and natural disasters. It typically covers the structure, personal belongings, liability, and additional living expenses in case of temporary relocation.

10. What factors affect the cost of home insurance?

Several factors influence home insurance premiums, including the home’s location, age, construction type, coverage limits, deductible amount, security systems, and the policyholder’s claims history.

11. Why is auto insurance important?

Auto insurance is essential because it provides financial protection against accidents, theft, and other damages. It also covers liability for injuries or property damage caused by the insured vehicle.

12. What coverage options are available in auto insurance policies?

Common coverage options in auto insurance include liability coverage (bodily injury and property damage), collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and medical payments coverage.

13. How are auto insurance premiums calculated?

Auto insurance premiums are determined by several factors, including the insured driver’s age, driving history, location, type of vehicle, coverage limits, deductibles, and discounts.

14. What is business insurance, and why do I need it?

Business insurance protects companies from various risks, such as property damage, liability claims, business interruption, and lawsuits. It helps mitigate financial losses and safeguards the business’s assets and operations.

15. What types of business insurance should I consider?

The types of business insurance you should consider depend on your industry and specific needs. Common types include general liability insurance, property insurance, professional liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and business interruption insurance.

16. How are business insurance premiums determined?

Business insurance premiums are influenced by factors like the industry type, business location, coverage limits, deductible amounts, claims history, number of employees, and annual revenue.

17. What does general liability insurance cover?

General liability insurance provides coverage for third-party claims related to bodily injury, property damage, personal injury (such as slander or libel), and advertising injury. It helps protect your business from legal and financial consequences.

18. What is covered under property insurance for businesses?

Property insurance for businesses typically covers the physical assets of the business, including buildings, equipment, inventory, furniture, and fixtures. It provides protection against risks like fire, theft, vandalism, and certain natural disasters.

19. Are there any specific insurance requirements for home-based businesses?

Home-based businesses often require additional insurance coverage beyond standard homeowners’ policies. Depending on the business type and activities, you may need to consider specialized policies like in-home business insurance or business owners’ policy (BOP).

20. Can I bundle my home, auto, and business insurance policies together?

Yes, many insurance companies offer the option to bundle multiple policies together. Bundling can often lead to discounts and simplified management of your insurance coverage.

21. How do I file an insurance claim?

To file an insurance claim, contact your insurance provider as soon as possible after the incident. Provide all necessary details, supporting documentation, and photos if available. The insurer will guide you through the claims process.

22. What should I do to lower my insurance premiums?

To lower your insurance premiums, you can consider raising deductibles, improving home or business security measures, maintaining a good driving record, taking advantage of available discounts, bundling policies, and periodically reviewing coverage with your insurance agent.

23. How often should I review and update my insurance policies?

It is recommended to review your insurance policies annually or whenever significant changes occur, such as moving, renovating, purchasing new assets, or starting a new business venture. Regular reviews help ensure that your coverage adequately protects your changing needs.


1. Why is retirement planning important?

Retirement planning is crucial because it helps individuals prepare financially for their post-working years. It ensures a comfortable and secure retirement by setting goals, determining savings needs, and creating strategies to achieve those goals.

2. How much money do I need to save for retirement?

The amount of money needed for retirement varies depending on factors such as desired lifestyle, expected expenses, healthcare costs, and retirement age. Working with a financial advisor can help you estimate and plan for your specific retirement savings goal.

3. What is a 401(k) plan, and how does it work?

A 401(k) plan is a retirement savings plan offered by employers. It allows employees to contribute a portion of their pre-tax income to the plan, which grows tax-deferred until retirement. Employers may also provide matching contributions.

4. What is legacy planning, and why is it important?

Legacy planning involves creating a comprehensive strategy to manage and distribute your assets, wealth, and values to future generations or charitable causes. It helps ensure your wishes are carried out while minimizing taxes and preserving your legacy.

5. What are the key elements of a legacy plan?

Key elements of a legacy plan include drafting a will, establishing trusts, designating beneficiaries, creating powers of attorney, setting up charitable giving strategies, and coordinating with estate planning attorneys and tax professionals.

6. What is wealth management, and how can it benefit me?

Wealth management encompasses a range of financial services that help individuals and families grow, protect, and distribute their wealth. It provides personalized advice and strategies to optimize investments, tax planning, estate planning, and other financial goals.

7. When should I start planning for retirement?

It’s never too early to start planning for retirement. The earlier you begin, the more time you have to save and potentially benefit from compound growth. However, it’s important to review and adjust your retirement plan periodically as circumstances change.

8. What types of retirement accounts are available?

Common retirement accounts include individual retirement accounts (IRAs), Roth IRAs, Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs. Each has different tax advantages and eligibility requirements, so it’s best to consult with a financial advisor to determine which is suitable for you.

9. How can I maximize my Social Security benefits?

Maximizing Social Security benefits involves factors such as understanding when to start claiming benefits, optimizing spousal benefits, considering work and retirement earnings limits, and evaluating the impact on taxes and other income sources. Consulting a financial advisor can help you develop a strategy.

10. What is the role of a financial advisor in retirement planning?

A financial advisor plays a crucial role in retirement planning by providing personalized guidance, assessing your financial situation, recommending investment strategies, helping with tax planning, and adjusting the plan as your circumstances change.

11. What are some strategies to protect and grow wealth?

Strategies to protect and grow wealth may include diversifying investments, creating a balanced portfolio, managing risk, reviewing insurance coverage, tax planning, periodically rebalancing the portfolio, and staying informed about market trends.

12. How can I pass on my wealth efficiently to future generations?

Efficiently passing on wealth can involve strategies like establishing trusts, gifting assets, utilizing tax-efficient estate planning techniques, considering charitable giving, and engaging in generational wealth transfer planning. Working with estate planning professionals is essential.

13. How often should I review my retirement and investment strategy?

It’s recommended to review your retirement and investment strategy at least annually or whenever significant life events occur. Regular reviews help ensure your plan aligns with your goals, accounts for changes in the market or personal circumstances, and takes advantage of new opportunities.

14. How can I balance retirement planning with other financial goals?

Balancing retirement planning with other financial goals involves prioritizing objectives, creating a comprehensive financial plan, considering different investment vehicles, and adjusting savings and investment strategies as needed. A financial advisor can help you navigate this process.

15. What are the risks associated with retirement planning and wealth management?

Risks in retirement planning and wealth management include market volatility, inflation, longevity risk (outliving your savings), inadequate insurance coverage, and unforeseen health or financial emergencies. Building a diversified and well-managed plan can help mitigate these risks.